Vaccination Information for Staff
In order to safeguard our school community from the spread of vaccine preventable diseases, it is strongly recommended that all staff review their immunization status. If necessary, please bring it up to date. These are the current guidelines for adults.
Blood titers are available at your primary care provider’s office to confirm immunity; check with your insurance provider to see if they cover the cost. Vaccines are available from your healthcare provider or ANY pharmacy (even if you are not a patient). If you are unsure if you are adequately immunized, consult with your primary care provider.
Please obtain a copy of your vaccinations or proof of immunity. Proof of immunity may be documentation from your healthcare provider, a print out from the state immunization registry, or a copy of the vaccines you received. Nurse Health Services has the ability to look up your vaccination records in the state registry with your written permission, including name and date of birth. Information will be kept confidential. Proof of immunity or permission to look up your vaccination records may be turned into the nurse’s office at any building.
CLICK THIS LINK for a printable Staff Immunization History Form
Our guidance for COVID-19 follows Washington Department of Health, Lewis County Health and Social Services and CDC recommendations. Common respiratory illnesses, such as Covid-19, flu, respiratory syncytial (RSV) and other respiratory illnesses will now follow these guidelines. Staff and students can return to work/activities once they have met BOTH of the following over a 24-hour period:
When you go back to your normal activities, take added precaution over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.
CLICK THIS LINK HERE for information from Washington Department of Health
CLICK THIS LINK HERE for information from the CDC
CLICK THIS LINK HERE for information from L&I
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
“We’re here to coach and guide you through the challenges in your life. Call your EAP – we can help!”