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Security & Safety

Student Safety Is Our Priority

A collage of images featuring a man in a black vest and blue shirt, a man in a black jacket, and a man greeting a student outside a school.

In the Chehalis School District, we take safety seriously. Whether it’s crossing guards helping them get safely to school or staff undergoing training to be prepared in the case of an emergency, the social, emotional and physical safety of our students is a priority for all staff. Our safety initiatives are led by Security & Safety Officers Todd Thornburg and Troy Thornburg.


Chehalis School District’s Safety Measures

  • Two Security & Safety Officers who patrol our schools and plan safety measures
  • Navigate 360 ALICE Training for all staff and students
  • More than 300 cameras throughout Chehalis School District property
  • Collaboration with local law enforcement on training and strategies for deterring crime on campus
  • Offering anonymous reporting forms to encourage students to report illegal activities they witness


How Can Families Help?

  • Make sure your family contact information is up to date in Skyward so we can reach you in an emergency. ParentSquare, our primary communication platform, draws contact information from Skyward so no need to change it in two places.
  • Report any potential threats. If your student witnesses a threat at school, on school property, on the bus or online, report it to our Security & Safety Officers or school administration
  • Read more about ALICE Training so you can understand how your student is prepared to stay safe at school
  • In the event of an emergency, do not come to the school or attempt to pick your student up early. Wait for official Chehalis School District communications through ParentSquare for instructions. Do not call the schools or district office. We will share information early and often to keep you in the loop.
  • Learn about and understand your student’s school’s disciplinary policies and procedures through their Student Handbook: